Lesen Sie hier Statements von Vertretern unserer Partnerschulen über die Zusammenarbeit mit den Carl Duisberg Centren.
Marion Mitchell - Director of Marketing, Ackworth School, West Yorkshire, England [mehr]
Lyne Labrecque - Associate Director of Admissions, Bishop’s College School, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Kanada [mehr]
Clayton Johnston - Director of Admissions, Brentwood College School, Mill Bay, British Columbia, Kanada [mehr]
Stuart Nicholson - Principal, Cambridge Centre for Sixth-form Studies, Cambridge, England [mehr]
Emma Turnbull - Market Development Manager, CATS College Boston, Cambridge, Canterbury und London [mehr]
Chris Strickey - Director of Admissions and Development, King's-Edgehill School, Windsor, Nova Scotia, Kanada [mehr]
Trish Collins - Director of International Admission, Stevenson School, Pebble Beach, California, USA [mehr]
Paul Leslie - Director of Admissions, St. Michaels University School, Victoria, British Columbia, Kanada [mehr]
Joanne Carruthers - Director of Admissions, Stanstead College, Stanstead, Québec, Kanada [mehr]
Michele Bedesem Linder - Senior Associate Director of Admissions, Westtown School, West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA [mehr]
Jane Scott - Head of Admissions/Marketing, Windermere School, Windermere, The Lake District, Großbritannien [mehr]